Oh another entry from a book at wokr

Aug 13, 2009 14:15

Ok I opened up the book Live Longer - And Enjoy It! published in 1956 to a random page. This random page began with a Summary of Ch. 15.

Use of Tobacco:
1. No one has yet proved that tobacco causes disease, so if you're healthy, the choice of smoking or not smoking is up to  you.
2. There is no doubt that tobacco aggravates certain diseases, so if your doctor tells you to cut out smoking, you better listen to him.

OK...now I'm wondering when the hell tobacco was actually proven to cause cancer...then, what in the world does aggravate a certain disease mean? and what certain diseases is this guy talking about? If tobacco is aggravating you...shouldn't you...not wait until your doctor tells you to stop? haha and I loved how he worded it. "you better listen to him"

Use of Liquor
1. Rightly used, liquor can be a definite aid in medicine in the lessening of certain pains.
2. Liquor, in moderate amounts, can provide new mental and physical energy for the elderly.
3. Again in moderate amounts, liquor in the evening will help to ease the tension and fatigue of the day.
4. Your daily alcoholic intake should not exceed two ounces daily. If you start using more, cut it out entirely.

Agree with #1, but I don't know how it can be "rightly used" other than getting the person drunk enough to not feel the pain anymore...
#2....that would be an incredible surprise...I mean, mental energy? Pretty sure alcohol is a depressant, and physical energy? that's just because they're too drunk to not feel their arthritis anymore
#3 I agree with, but I'm pretty sure that a moderate amount of alcohol will help you fall asleep and embrace the fatigue of the day and not get over it.
#4...2 ounces is not a lot. hahaha

Sleep and Sleeping Pills
1. Some people can do with four or five hours of sleep, others may need eight or nine.
2. Find out what your body requires and then make sure you get it.
3. Periodic cat-naps will help to recharge your bodily energy.
4. If your sleep schedule has been thrown out of kilter and your doctor prescribes sleeping pills to get  you back on track, don't be afraid to follow his advice.
5. But, never take sleeping pills without your doctor's advice.

All I have to say to this, is that Michael Jackson should have read this chapter...too soon?

Also as a side note that I just noticed...the next chapter is titled: "You Can't Be Fat and Fit"
....I'm not even going to get into that.

This book is something else, oh the 50's...
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