House Update: Andrew vs. Tree

Mar 27, 2011 13:10

The major house project right now is fixing up our terrifying murder basement. I'll post photos on that in the future; meanwhile, please enjoy Andrew chopping down the dead tree in the middle of our back yard. He was extremely manly.

Later in the evening, Andrew went back out and dug up the tree stump. One unexpected fallout of this project is that the cat is TOTALLY FREAKED OUT over the sudden and inexplicable disappearance of the tree. She keeps sneaking up on the spot where it used to be, sniffing around, then bolting and running around and around the yard until she forgets what she was upset about. Then she checks out the spot again.

Indoors, we have yet to install a gas insert in the fireplace because they're friggin' expensive, but we have been lighting normal-type fires. Note that we also got a rug and stuff, so the living room's really sharp now.

Also, I'm making preliminary plans to convert the garage into a detached office. So far, I've just been collecting office supplies and decor:

It's a slow process, but so far I'm pleased.

the little house

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