House Update: Windows

Dec 18, 2010 23:46

I haven't posted any house pictures in a while, mainly because nothing too picturesque has been happening here. Recently, however, just in time for the Bay Area rainy winter, we (and by "we" I of course mean "our contractor, Mario, while we watched and talked about Doctor Who") succeeded in replacing a bunch of the house's aged windows. Look how much better the kitchen looks with working windows!

We also installed a big stained-glass ceiling lamp in the kitchen, because it's been my lifelong dream to live in an Appleby's. I totally love this lamp, although now I need a way to match the other ceiling light to it. It can't be another low-hanging light because our friend Liz is like seven feet tall and she'd walk into it.

Even better, though, is the job Mario did on the big bay windows in the living room. As you may recall from previous house updates, the windows on the far left and right were made of cracked, heat-leaking slotted glass, which the previous owners had insulated by covering them with Styrofoam and Red Bull posters. We replaced all five windows with double-paned glass, like so:

This all happened just in time for the holidays, which meant I was able to realize another of the fantasies I had when buying the house: setting up a Christmas tree in front of the bay windows.

Our cat Tesla approves, as much as she approves of anything.

the little house

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