my stuffyness~

Apr 28, 2008 22:32

I need to turn on my air conditioning after this, im starting to suffocate D:

So what's been up with me lately? Well, nothing really. This past weekend was nothing but laboratory write-ups for both my bio and chem classes ^-^;. Since the majority of my O-chem class obviously bombed the first exam, she's making us do an extra credit exam starting at 7:30 am. This means having to leave early again and praying that traffic cooperates.

Stupid me didn't know that exam for bio was THIS WEEK not next. Oh well~ So now I have to study for two exams, finish up Calc III homework, and Ochem online assignments D: *woes* But I think I should be ok for bio since I pretty much attended all of the lectures and notes. All I have to do is read through XD

Ahh thank you air conditioning~ ♥

Something for you guys to get at least some good laughs :D

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