I've been nostalgic a lot lately (okay, since when have I not?). I don't really know how to explain this feeling I feel. It's just that after exams are finally out of the way, I've realised a couple of things.
I realised that although I've lost it with quite a few people, now is the perfect time to try and get it back, TK girls especially.
God, I've missed the old days, back when we had all those ups and downs that make me who I am today. I've missed all the love and everything in general. IJ pales in comparison. Really.
Hanging out with Asy and Bani yesterday was good and I'm going out with Asy again on Tuesday. Granted it's to go search for a job but it feels good. I've missed her and the only thing now is to wait for shaf to end her exams so I can go meet her too. :)
I'm all packed for next week though. Monday is date with Nad. Tuesday is job hunting day with Asy. Wednesday is date with my 2 babes (God I've missed them so much. Thanks IJC for retaining them) and thursday or friday, I'm meeting Khai to pass over my Lit stuff(good ridance!)
On another note, listening to F.T. Island is really good for the soul. Almost like listening to ungu and heartbreaking DBSK songs. :)
Oh and for those of you who haven't had a chance to catch this yet, this is a must-watch for kibum fans! :)
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Hee. He's so adorable. Guhh, I miss him so much. SJ needs to get back together now! which means China has to give back SJM asap. (Not going to happen anytime soon though.) :(
`And if I ever lose my power to fly, then your love takes me high
- Always be mine, F.T. Island