Directions to the Gathering:
From Elkins, WV, take 33 east past Bowden to Alpena (approx.13 mi). At the Alpena Lodge & Cafe (the only thing there) take a left (north) up County Rd. 12, also known as Galdwin Rd and CR26 in some areas. CR12 goes thru the countryside and dives down toward the Glady Fork (approx 5 mi). At the bottom of the hill, just before CR12 crosses the Glady Fork River & turns into CR10-Sully Rd, take a hard (120%) left on to FR 162, which is Bus Village. Go to the gated end of Bus Village (FR162). Just beyond the gate is a meadow on the left. At the back right of this meadow is Easy Street, a gentle grassy ancient railroad bed, which goes off to the left. Follow Easy Street up to Main Trail and take a right to Main Circle, which is the third meadow on the trail. From the East, from Harrisonburg, VA take 33 west into Wavy past Franklin, WV and Seneca Rocks. Stay on US 33 past Wymer to Alpena, take a right on CR12 and follow the above.
For pictures of the Site and more info visit: PEACE!!!