Yay Kinect!

Dec 05, 2010 07:02

Rather than go to Orlando last night, I decided to have fun at Laci and Josh's house. We played scrabble and yahtzee, and after Josh went to bed Laci and I played with the Kinect.

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xbox, kinect pictures

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Comments 13

plaidedbra December 5 2010, 13:16:14 UTC
I love the pics with you in the background... oh and the one with your boobs bouncing mid-air; that's adorable.


shaebay December 5 2010, 23:16:55 UTC
Yeah, I thought they were especially hilarious. :D

That's mah O Face


queenofspades December 5 2010, 13:19:13 UTC
I find these pictures incredibly hot.


shaebay December 5 2010, 23:18:15 UTC
Ugh, speaking of things that make me kind of sick - apparently my brother-in-law was playing in his boxers the other day and forgot that it takes pictures, so while I was going to the place where you share the photos, there was an entire folder of him in almost nothing (and according to my sister there was a "slip" captured with the camera).


ofenjen December 5 2010, 14:33:53 UTC
Ha, you obviously had a very good time!


shaebay December 5 2010, 23:20:05 UTC
*nods* It's awesome but really tiring. One of the things is an obstacle course type thing where you basically hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, side step one way, side step the other way, side step again, crouch down, jump, jump, hop, hop, extend arms and legs to reach all of the adventure gems, hop hop hop hop and repeat over and over again, lol.


lindseymoongirl December 5 2010, 17:36:47 UTC


littlblackghost December 5 2010, 21:48:20 UTC
I want one!


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