Here are some more postcards that came in the mail...
This postcard (and some others I'm not posting) came unsolicited from a guy in Poland who would like me to send him a card in return. I don't even know how he got my address! I think I will play along and send a card...
From a local real estate broker. I'm not sure why it's in Eastern time...
Back in February, I participated in a chain letter where I sent a postcard to the address on the top of a list, added my address to the bottom of the list, and then sent the letter on to ten postcard collectors (I actually sent the letter with my postcrossing postcards). Then I forgot about it. Well, now I'm starting to get postcards back (this one from Russia)! The list was six addresses long, so let's see if I get 1,000,000 postcards...
Tomorrow's wallpaper