T-shirts in the DisneySea mermaid lagoon shopOriginally uploaded by
Li SongEDIT (1/18/2009): This round of the Big T-Shirt Giveaway is now closed, and the remaining three t-shirts have been given to Goodwill.
So after
your feedback, I'm ready to give away my extra t-shirts. I was going to list them all at once, but I thought that may be too much to make you go thru. So I will list five at at time until done...
The Rules: If you would like one of the t-shirts listed below, just leave a comment with your name and address (and what shirt you want) and I will send the shirt to you! No charge, free, gratis!
Open to fellow LiveJournal users and anyone else too.
Comments are screened, so no one but me can see your address.
Limit one shirt per person.
The Shirts:
The One - Logo Size: XL Shirt Color: Black
This shirt is unworn
Ron John Surf Shop - Ft. Lauderdale, FLSize: XXL Shirt Color: Green
Universal Studios Florida - Established 1990Size: XXL Shirt Color: Blue
Fossil - American Classic EagleSize: XXL Shirt Color: Red
Old Navy - Independence Day 2004Size: XXL Shirt Color: Green
All shirts have been worn, but no stains, holes or tears (unless noted). If the shirts are not claimed, they will eventually go to Goodwill (or maybe eBay if I get ambitious).