Apr 23, 2007 22:06
So I have been a very neglectful person in regards to the ole LJ as of late. I am not sure if this is because nothing exciting is happening or because I just don't feel like it as much anymore.
As far a slife. I saw Maggie for the first time in about 7 months. I miss her something fierce, but am incredibly hesitant about the whole thing. I am very conflicted about it, so I guess I just have to leave the whole thing up to her. I can only take what she gives me and try not to let my guard down so early, or maybe not at all. We shall see.
I bought a PlayStation 3 today. Rarely do I really splurge on myself, but every so often, when I do, I go all out. So yes, I dropped about $600.00 bucks today. I bought the system, 1 game and paid for a game that come sout in August at a cheaper price because I was buying it early. I am still not entirely sure how I feel about it but I believe I will be getting a lot of use out of it, seeing as how I have been pl;aying the PS2 a lot more lately. So I imagine about 2hrs a day with the PS3 will make it worth it to me.
School is going alright. I am hesitant to really talk much abou tit because the next few weeks feel like they are going to just be nuts. I am certainly anticipating my first school break in 2 yrs.
I start my new job on Sunday, which means I will have worked 3 jobs during April. The Golf Course was good to me, it really was, but let us be honest, a movie theater is much more my style. I will be working the midnight of Spiderman, which means I can't see it then, although I am trying to get Mike to run it Wednesday night for the employees. I hope it works!!
As far as tv goes, Bones and The Shield are the best shows on. 24 is going through a weak season, yet remains fairly gripping. I have started watching Drive and while it is only 4 episodes in, I really am enjoying but feel it willbe cancelled before we see an end. I missed Smallville and Supernatural last week, but I am hoping the website will have them at some point. Oh and Grey's seems to be finding its way again. However, I never had a problem with the storylines like so many others did. Stupid people and their damn fandom nonsense!