Jun 25, 2006 21:13
why does it seem like you become more alert of swear words in a movie whenever ther eis a parent of someone around? When i saw Running scared in theaters it didn't cross my mind how often the words Fuck, Bitch and Cunt appeared..but then today as Wendy and I watched it with her mother there i started to noticed how often..just wow
I liked the movie again, although not with the same attitude as last time. Last time it looked as if the movie was aware how over the top it was but as i watched it today it seem like that.
I have started Catcher in the rye again today. I wish I knew why i liked that book but i don't. It is just one of those unexplainable things. Its a very morose novel. It also repeats word often, which is a bit annoying, yet i love to read it.
I think thsi playlist i have going is probably the best one i have ever created. Soemtimes its the little things that have to bring you joy.
I think my grandmother is now 4 ft tall. It is hard ot watch her move around. I keep thinking she is going to break something. I wonder if it would really be worth it to still be alive when you can't do anything for oyurslef. I guess if your spouse was still alive it would be.
GAHHH i just realized i had reading homework this weekend....damn and i had all weekend to do it yet looks as if i'll be doing it tonight now. I really should have looked at that earlier..oh well what are you gonna do!!??