This movie is forever so fucking beautiful. And I am would go gay for Scarlett.
Also reading Conversation with God. Which is..a lot less rubbish than I thought it would be! LOL I'm loving it actually.
AHAHAHHHHAAAH FINALLY!!! Much nicer than previous reunion pic too. And there are
TWO of them zomg! Poor Carl! And Pete looks slightly less dead than last time I think. Possibly.
But seriously, the chemistry! It's almost TANGIBLE!
(opposed to who's actually with who and all) Hilarious article though. ♥ Really!
i totally only came on here to blub about this amazing event and post pics whahah
oh right, right but I did actually get redirected to a guitar lesson schoolt hing which is fucking AWESOME. Nice people, nice place, am stroked! Gonna be paired up with a girl a year younger than me, think it's gonna be hella fun. :D
Am loving life much much more than I ever did. Even the depressing things! Everything's a blessing and I'm so much more relaxed.
Must very soon meet upw ith Lizz bcs we have been POSTPONING the drinking of champagne, le gasp, which by the way is the best fake champagne I know of and only costs 9 euros last time I checked. :D Isn't it just fab.
Also this song drives me mad, but it's awesome at the Do you know Me footage part. And the sex/drugs part.
And really fucking annoying at the same time. ): why Placebo, why?
THATS ALL. god its early. WHY AM I POSTING??