you phone and you say, are you dancing today?

Feb 09, 2007 10:52

Today is my biiirthdaaaay. Got a brand-new guitar that I can actually play a bit now! Never thought could spin a sound that doesn't make people scurry about wildly trying to get out the nearest exit. Never thought I could sing either! Or find someone who would teach me without going mad and breaking something over my head.
She's got some really strong restraints, that girl.

Snowed yesterday. Was so grand! Saw a snowman with wild havana hair made out of long sturdy plucked grass. Hilarious! Wanted to take a picture but had no camera. Also no pedophiles in the woods because was far too cold to pull the pants down. :D
The weather was exactly the same as on the day I was born. Feeling like life has only just now begun.

My baby guitar. ♥ She's so pretty and shiny, and MINE! Ahahahah no more borrowing from friends. V. good friends though. :D Trusted me with their stuff!

Also have pot left over for tonight! AND HAVE CHAMPAGNE!!! Yay champagne! Yay life, I think I may just love you afterall. <33

This entry sucks and I cherish it. :D

Am 19 now. Whoooa.

Gran's pissed because oh gosh someone's celebrating their birthday and it's not hers! Oh dear! Dad sent me a virtual bday card so that's nice I think. Haven't yet opened it. Hate virtual cards. >_> And uhmmm I hope he waits with the prezzie cause I wanna pick it out myself. Mp3 player would be nice as have crushed my old one. Think may have sat on it. Just like my glasses which are now permanently crooked. Am relieved because thought my ears were weird but turns out I just sat on it one time too many! Woohoo! Don't mind cause never wear them much outside of the house anyway. yay for contacts I still can't decently put in!! Will never know how Lizz does it just lounging back on a chair. I can't do that ever. Have to move about or I'll just lose all concentration.

Also hope Ilse has NOT made a move on her teacher because would be disastrous. Will know tonight. Am bracing for tears and shouting on the stairwell, but is ok because have cigarettes.CHAMPAGNE! WEED!! ..guitar! 8-)
And love to spare! ♥

Someone come over and DECORATE my fucking wall. :)
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