to all kinki kids fans "Let Us Say 39 to Kinki Kids"

May 13, 2008 21:34

a message from Choo Chew Yen from youtube:

do you know about the countersignature project of KinKi Kids's fans--"Let Us Say 39 to KinKi Kids"?I am the main organizer, Choo Chew Yen who come from Malaysia.

The aim of this project is to thank you KinKi Kids. This project is for all the fans of KinKi in the world. It is for gathering our support, blessing and love, and then we’ll send the project to KinKi Kids, in order to thank them for being with us for more then 10 years.

If you have leisure time, please browse our website.

We have 2 Message Board :


The first one you can leave in either English or Japanese message.For the second one is for English users,only can leave English message.

The details and the latest news of the project are on the website. Hope that you can join this project and go to the BBS to leave your message.

Since this project had been launched for few months, we contacted Johnny & Associates successfully. On 22 March, 2008, we received a news that was KinKi Kids already know about this project~~~(^o^)/ Therefore, we can at least confirm that your message can be read by KinKi Kids. We believe that fans like you would have something to say to KinKi Kids, so please come and leave your message.

At last, would you mind putting part of the details of this project in your blog? That's the title meaning, the news as above and the address. It's because we don't want any people who adore KinKi or appreciate their music will miss this opportunity.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us~

Thank you very much~^-^

kinki kids

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