May 30, 2005 18:23
So The last weeks have been shit, I got my tonsils n adnoids taken out, they were hefty fuckers. and works been harderthen normal due to heavy amounts of vicodin. Im starting to feel betterthough. Goal is to move out at the end of the summer, I need my space for me and my little dog to live.
Salems been alright, Valley people are strange, my family down here is strange, Lifes really strange yet I feeel im getting use to it, this is a good change, I feel iv'e grown into a better person, able to understand more of life and benifit myself to the fullest. I guess The only thing to do is work, smoke weed, and try to avoid the enforcers, then i got some college to take care of, Ive been thinking of going into music productions, botney, or physcology, it's gonna happen. Im not gonna be poor anymore. Kimmoved out last weeks with her boyfriend to a chill lil apartment. I signed up for the graveyard shift at work so this summer could be intresting, I do better at night then day. Today was my full day off, memorial day everyones gone, listening to Mario, just chillen, its a bright sunny day outside, and im feelin good,
lateS uckers
And if you look at water and study it, little pieces of dirty you will find in it.