perfect boyfriend..

Apr 11, 2006 15:43

bold=how many are like corey =)

describe the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend:

1. hair color -it doesnt really matter, but i perfer darker hair 
2. eye color - any, there has to be something about them that keeps my attention
3. height - taller
4. six pack - nice to look at but definately not necessary, sucks to cuddle with a muscleyman lol 
5. long/short hair - longgg i love long hair... basically the whole emo boy look (without taking it to the extreme)
6. glasses? -  cute- depending on who though
7. piercings/tattoos? - hmm, eyebrow or lip is nice, and some tattoos without overdoing it
8. chest hair? - no wolfmen, but i can stand a little lol
9. buff or skinny - not skinny. not buff. in between is perfect
10. straight teeth, gap, or braces - straight teeth... gross teeth are a majorrrrr turn off
11. punk/jock/emo/sXe/goth? - punk, emo, sXe- but not too much of any.. like i love emo boys, but crying all the time and bleedy rip stabstab just isnt for me.. you get what im saying lol
12. funny or serious - both when the times right
13. party or stay at home - a little of both, like i love going out and having fun but its nice to stay home and just chill and cuddle too =)
13.5 obedient? - um a good kid-but can still act like a badboy sometimes
14. should he cook or bake? - i dont wanna date martha stewart but once in a long while would be cute
15. should he have a best friend? - of course, i would never stop him from that
16. should he have a lot of girl friends? - i'll be honest, im the jealous type but as long as they arent like ohhhh i <3 you let me have your babies, then sure why not
17. outgoing or shy - outgoing
18. sarcastic or sincere - sarcastic is funny but sincere's nice too
19. would he watch chick flicks? - i hate chick flicks-unless theyre comedies, so it doesnt matter
20. would he be a smoker? - no. thank you
21. would he drink? - no (once in a long while maybe) been there, done that
22. would he swear? - yeah why not lol
23. would he pay for dates? - not always, but if it is actually a "date" then i mean- it's tradition =P
24. does he kiss on the first date? - he'd think about it... and then when i went to kiss him on the cheek, hed get excited and turn his lips to meet mine... wow that sounds familiar ;)
25. where would you go to dinner? - eh wherever
26. would he bring you flowers? - roses are nice =) 
27. would he lay under the stars with you? - yeah sure
28. would he write poetry about you? - songs about running away to ohio are better =)
29. would he call you hunny, sweetie, or baby? - all the time
30. would he hang out with you and YOUR friends? - yeah but not all the time though 
31. would you hang out with him and HIS friends? - yeah but not all the time though
32. would he play sports? - eh if anything- baseball or something along those lines
33. would he skateboard? - thats always nice
34. would he snowboard? -yeah why not 
35. would he play guitar? - okay, i wont lie, that would be hott- alittle overplayed- but still hott
36. play piano? - jt woodruff plays piano AND guitar =)
37. play drums? - YES and hed look damn hott while playing too ;)
38. would he clean his room? - once in a while- not a neat freak
39. would he paint, draw, sculpt? - painting and drawing would be nice
40. would he fight for you?  - if he needed too- not over protective though
41. would he sing for you? - yesssssss
42. use the word dude? - the occasionaly dude can slip, sure 
43. use the word tight? - no thanks- "sweet" is better 
43.5 - use the word sweet?- haha yeah
44. what kind of car would he drive - as long as its not like that bad of a car, then i dont care 
45. would he put his arm around you or hold your hand? - all the time 
46. would he dance? - yessss, and he would know when to be touchyfeely and whats too much
47. how often would you see him? - as much we wanted
48. would you want him to get you jewelry? - yes-without overdoing it, necklaces and rings are really the only thing i'd wear
49. stay up and talk all night long? - of course
50. say I love you? - and mean it. everytime
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