I'm going to slice it up into sections so you can read the ones you want.
Work last night was really good for someone who had been dreading it so much. I was put in charge of large parties, and we had SO MANY that came in, but I rocked it nonetheless. All except the first party and the last party got sat within their quote time, and I found places for all of them in like five minutes. I know I did a good job, but yet when I was talking to Tyrus later, I was all, "You have to admit, I rocked the large parties tonight." He replied with, "EVERYONE did a good job tonight." I seriously don't understand why it would kill him to actually give me credit for a job well done for once.
But I got over it because our new manager Jesus loves me. I could tell by the way he talked to me all night. Then at the end of the night before I left, he said, "Michele, I wanted to tell you what an amazing job you did tonight." I was like FINALLY SOME GOD DAMNED CREDIT!!!
There was drama though. Well first of all, I found out Matt G. doesn't work there anymore. One more long time employee thrown in the can, only a week after Dennis.
Second of all, I'm scared Ryan might get fired. He forgot to get his shift covered yesterday, so he was a no call, no show. Since they have been firing us long-timers over nothing lately, I'm afraid he might be next.
Third of all, Nick walked out mid-shift. I don't blame him too much. Jesus was giving him a hard time and a lot of attitude all night. But he walked out in the middle of the dinner rush, and he was the one on names. He's probably fired for that.
Fourth of all, there's a new closing host rule. The closing host no longer has to wait for the last table to leave. Oh, no. Now they have to wait for the MANAGER to leave. Managers don't leave until one or two in the morning. I told Tyrus I could still close Saturdays, but I think I might tell him no because I don't know if I can handle that. Maybe I'll give it a trial run first.
And I'll top it off with some good news. One of our old hosts, Jen B., is coming back! I love he so much! She's going to be doing to go's. She starts Monday, and I'm way excited. Now that she's moving back here, we need to party for sure!
After work last night I went over to Jason's (it's really Jason's, JJ's, and Josh's place, but it's too hard to write all that every time). There were a couple other guys there. We got stoned and had an awesome time.
The guys just bought black lights and a black light poster with a frog on it day before yesterday. They bought that one because they thought it would be good to trip off of. When I saw it the first time, I was like, "No, that's stupid. It's just a frog." But oh my God we tripped off that poster so bad last night! It was so funny! We talked about that poster for like an hour! We were just hella analyzing it. It was crazy. We finally figured out hella detials about it that we never noticed before.
Tonight I'm going to try to remember to bring over all my old blacklight posters for them, since I don't use them anymore.
And I'm pretty sure I'm going to back tonight.
We had muchies hella bad, too. We ate two mini pizzas and a bunch of chocolate chips. Not the cookies, just the chips. Haha.
And then we played the ultimate game, "Super Mario Bros. 3". It was savage.
I love those guys so much, and I didn't realize how much I missed them until these past few nights. I want to try to hang out with them more often.
And of course, we had hella laughs. That's why I love them so much. They make me laugh constantly. When I'm with them it's like a big laughing fest for me, and I love that. They're so much fun.
Anyway, I should be going over there after work tonight. I work with Jason, so maybe we'll be off at the same time and can head over there together.
So when I did get home last night, I called Ryan to talk to him for a bit. It was like three in the morning, and they were still out at the casinos.
Now, the rest of the time that I've talked to him this weekend, Erik is always in the background giving him hella shit and picking on him. I didn't think much of it before, because I figured that's how he'd been the whole time, because that's just how Erik and Ryan are. They love to pick on each other.
Well last night, they got into a really big argument and were about to kick each other's asses. I was like, "What is going on? Why are you guys fighting so bad?"
Ryan said, "Everytime I've been on the phone with you this whole trip, all Erik's done is talk hella shit about it, and he wont leave me alone so I can talk to you."
I was like, okay, Erik already wouldn't let me go on this trip with them. Now he's trying to ban my boyfriend from even talking to me on the phone? WTF? We've hardly talked on the phone during this trip as it is.
So apparently Erik doesn't like me very much, and he just keeps trying to start shit. I'm mad, and I'm hurt, because I really like Erik a lot. He's Ryan's best friend, and it's really important to me that he likes me. If I'm going to spend the rest of my life with Ryan, Erik's going to be there for a lot of it, and I wanted us to get along and be friends.
But I should have seen it coming. Lately almost every time we've gone out, he's asked Ryan to leave me at home (which really is kind of stupid seeing as how I'm the one who drives Ryan everywhere...what am I going to do? Drive Ryan to a bar for a few hours and then just go home and wait until he's ready to be picked up? No.).
I understand that they need their best friend, guy time together. I have no problem with them going out together every now and then without me. Like this trip to Tahoe. I didn't make a big deal about Erik saying I couldn't come, even though I really, really, wanted to because I've never been there. But I want to go out with them sometimes, and I think I should be able to. I don't cause drama. I'm just like one of the guys. And I don't really have anyone else over 21 that goes out a lot.
I think he's just jealous. Either because he doesn't have a girlfriend and Ryan does, or because Ryan spends all his time with me. But fuck that.
I don't undertsand why friends can't undertsand that when someone is in a relationship, yeah they're going to spend a lot more time with that person and a lot less time with their friends. That's just the way it is. I've seen it in every couple.
I'm worried that if that's the reason, they'll stop being friends.
Anyway, it really does hurt me that Erik dislikes me so much, and I really hope it's something he changes his mind about because I'd really like to be friends with him, and to feel welcome to come hang out with them. If Ryan and I are going to be a life-long thing, Erik needs to learn to handle that.