Jan 16, 2005 06:05
I'll be outta here within 3 months.
Not outta here as in outta Canton.... outta here as in outta the entire midweast, east coast, whatever the fuck you wanna call us.
For 5 days straight it was 50 degrees plus. Then in one day it was 65 degrees. 65 FUCKING DEGREES IN JANUARY. That night we got 1 inch of rain, .15 in of freezing rain, .126 in of sleet, and 2 in. of snow..... WHAT IN THE SAM FUCK!!!!!?????. I've had quite enough.
Therefore, when the company that is hiring me asked me where I wish to go I chose 'anywhere.' Granted that could put me in Alaska, but more than likely at this time next year I will be somewhere extremely south of here.
To be totally honest... for me this post is directed at only one person... my girl Linds and my newest baby girl Kamryn. The rest of you haven't bothered to contact me in about.... hmmmmm... a year. Besides a random LJ comment here and there.
If you really think I'm worthy of your time (which I doubt) call 330-268-2591 and leave a message (I only say leave a message cuzz I work 230,000 a week and go to college). I'm sure I won't hear from anyone even though I know in many people's heads they're saying, "man I should really call him".... but trust me... out of all of you who are saying that .00000154% will make the effort.
I bid you all a fine night and really do wish you all the best.
But this is my formal ending to my many cursed efforts to get ahold of the people who have defined my past. You have no officially become "the past".... if you wish to change it.... good luck.... try harder.