Well, had an interesting past couple of days. I've been busy, and I guess emotionally I'm coming out of a low point. Haven't been the happiest. Which I don't like. I get quiet, and less lively than I usually am. Don't know why, it's just one of those things that happens. I had some bright points that I'm grateful for, but overall I've just been mellow and down. Fighting spiritual warfare inside of myself, too. Spent a lot of time in prayer and silence in God's presence. Christ has held me through this past week, and I've been able to stay at peace. Optimistic about the coming days. Excited because I know I've worked through everything. Sometimes you just have to head-butt stuff head on in order to get them out of the way. Nothing big, just stuff that's been going on.
Classes actually aren't going that bad. Getting stuff worked out for next year. Having to move up one floor, but hey, that's life. It's not too bad. The rooms are nicer up there anyway :).
Got to meet Katie's brother and best friend Chris today. All of us, plus one of mine and KT's friend Michelle, went to Zaxby's, went to the mall, Brewster's, and played Yahtzee. It was great fun!
I guess that's it for now. Here's a little quizzie to post. Haven't put one of these up in a while. :::hugs to all::: everyone have a great week!
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed
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