Apr 05, 2012 02:29
I'm having a Natsume sort of day today. I'm feeling somewhere between blah and sigh, with a sprinkle of lacklustre. I realize people come and go, and no matter where you are, what you're doing, all things must come to an end.
In my mind, I'm standing somewhere around Waterfront, near the Olympic cauldron, and just staring out into the water and mountains. While standing alone, the wind is gently blowing giving off a nice summer breeze, and it is semi-sunny with some clouds floating above my head. I'm listening to Natsume Yuujinchou San OST "Atatakai Ieji". My feelings and mood is like Natsume. I'm feeling empty, alone yet at peace, and I'm enjoying the nice scenery. Most of all, I'm getting by in life but just barely.