Jul 04, 2011 02:25
Felicia Day just RT'd my tweet!!!!!! GAHH HEHEHEHE AAAHAHAHAHA!!!!! THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!! A famous person actually took the time to read her fan's tweet responses including MINE and retweeted it! YAY! JOY TO THE WORLD! It's good to know your food, let's just say. :3
I checked to see if she RT often, and nope...she hasn't RT'd anyone's tweet in a while. She's totally awesome. I just put her on the top of my super aewsome list. I love her. She's one dedicated person who takes the time to RT her fans! <3
And just for that, I'm going to buy all of the Guild DVD box sets before the end of the year just because she's super awesome cute. That's a promise.
This totally made my day. I feel special. REALLY special. :)