Oct 06, 2005 22:30
where to begin, where to begin? well my grandma had fallen sick and she just went through open-heart surgery and shes recovering now, my brother got sick and he has a respiratory infection and gastrointestinal infection of some sort that sounded to me like "velociraptor". whatever it is, it isnt pretty bc he was coughing up and excreting blood. my dad got a new job that pays like $12,000 more a year, which should help with paying bills a bit. (if ya didnt know my dad had been laid off from his old, well-paying chemist job in like 2002 and then was working as a teacher which paid a 3rd of the salary he had previous to lay-off). i got a job offer as well as it turns out. i have decided to quit kroger and work for murdock after school program after all. can you believe im quitting kroger? its going to be a little sad bc i will miss ppl but i have paid my dues (time after time, ive done my sentence but committed no crime...). i do feel like working there for 2 and a half years of my life was a worthy experience, bc hey thats how i met joey and some ppl i call friends. today i woke up at 7ish as usual to get helen up and ready for school and to talk to joey. i went back to sleep like usual and at 8ish joey came over instead of schooling! we napped till 10 and then got breakfast/gas/a couple of toy tapirs from party city. then we came back to my house and then around 1:30 we went for a drink run at qt and then he dropped me off at home. i got a new skirt and shirt today for a total of $18 spent. later, joseph and i went to see batman begins at the cheap theater, which i enjoyed. seems like nothing worth mentioning happens in months and then BAM! everything hits at one time. its craaaaaazy. well thats all for now i suppose.