top ten things that, to me, mark the decline of society

Aug 28, 2005 02:43

these arent in any particular order and i know there are myriad more, but i thought ten was a good number.

1)graphic t-shirts with fucktard sayings on them.
ie: i [wacky symbol]ed your boyfriend on spring break. now come on ppl why would anyone seriously wear that?

2)the use of LOL, ROFL, LMAO or something similar
internet shorthand like brb, btw, etc. is fine and dandy but instead of lol try haha. how often are you actually laughing out loud or rolling on the floor laughing? i bet you've never laughed so hard your ass came detached either.

3)gossip-ridden tabloids
how can you deem a periodical respectable when its a magazine that has "7 FOOT TALL PROSTITUTE IS ACTUALLY BIGFOOT" on the cover with a picture of bill clinton in a car talking to it?

4) Ugg boots
(EskiHO boots =D)

5) sparknotes
i wont lie ive used em when i hadnt read the required book. but hey when cramming chapter summaries replaces reading literature, its def a minus

6) when writing letters was dubbed snail mail.
hey i write emails and IM ppl a ton bc its much faster, but i also write letters b/c its more personal

7) using YOUR when YOU'RE is correct
i have the occasional slip up when im typing really fast and not thinking but when ppl dont know the difference it drives me insane

8) "Chaotic" that britney spears/keven federline reality show
yeesh. i guess just reality shows in general (its hard to resist the train-wreck--its-so-awful-but-can't-look-away temptation though. survivor has been a guilty pleasure of mine in the past)

9) sampling older classic songs for pop/rap and "remaking" older classic movies (borrowing the basic concept but really just bastardizing it)

10) when eating paint and throwing it up on a canvas (or the visual equivalent) is considered art.
(also bending silverware/piling garbage/breaking shit falls in this category)

i just thought of these for now,
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