Jan 14, 2008 13:50
Remind me to never ever want to live in a house with vaulted ceilings again. This is the second time in abit over a month that the smoke detector is chirping at me. The bloody thing is nearly at the peak of the ceiling. Bugger.
I am short. I only feel shorter because even standing on the seat of my stationary bike I was about 4 inches from reaching it. Grah.
Last time, we rolled the kitchen table in the dining room, then put a chair on it, and Sarah stood on top of that and put in a battery I just happened to have in the kitchen drawer. That battery is now giving up its ghost and every 30+ seconds, CHIRP!!!
Was doing this at 11pm last night for the longest time. Even somehow incorporated the stupid CHIRP into my dreams. not sure when it stopped but at 545 it was no longer chirping.
Then around 0930 or so, it is back! I have the beginnings of a headache. No vehicle to even go out and get a battery. And Sarah, my tall one, wont be home until 310.
So once again, I beg you, remind me: no vaulted ceilings.