can this be the end...

May 09, 2005 00:22

I meant to update this morning, go on about how I'm taking a class this summer to keep my grades up. And...

Dylan woke me about five, dragged me down to the 'Belle where a roomful of cops watched me phase knives out of one of their own. I don't ever want an audience like that again. It's fucking hard enough to phase myself let alone metal that can rip a man to shreds.

And I... hadn't wanted them to know I was a mutant. I've been good at keeping it a secret. They treated me like... I'm not fucking ashamed of being a mutant, but cops (especially) get suspicious of mutants. And I'd just wanted to be normal, I guess. And now I'm not. Now an entire precinct knows their bartender can walk through walls. Dylan promised nothing bad would come of this, but he can't control how people think.

Not only that, Officer Restal wasn't the only one injured. His partner, Officer Gant didn't even make it. Word on the street is that it was an ambush. A hired hit.

It makes me sick. Restal and Gant were two of the nicest men I knew. Christ, Gant has two kids and Restal's girlfriend sometimes brings me lunch (she works at the corner sub shop). Now one of them's dead, and the other may not make it. Knives through the heart and lungs don't do nice things.

School-wise, I'm doing fine. Summer classes start in three weeks.

And Ian...

Ian would be entitled to his own post, but I don't have the energy. We... We haven't talked in a while. And I didn't even realize it. I'd shut him out (being chased by an international conglomerate that wants you dead kind of takes the fun out of life), and I never let him back in. It's such a cliche to say, "we drifted apart."

He came to visit last week, and I just didn't have time for him. I was working double shifts, and getting the audit ready for Dylan's clients, and I just...

We talked, and I can't make sense of what we talked about anymore. I just know that we agreed to try seeing other people. And I can't blame him. I can't even blame myself, I guess.

Meggan being pregnant is like the silver lining in this horrible cloud.

Sigh. I'm going to go eat tiramisu cake my roommate bought and go to bed.
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