The Vampire:'s%20Adventures%20in%20Wonderland%20do%20you%20belong%20in%3F/
Everybody do this quiz! You know why? Cos it's the first one I ever completed! And, I got a new quizilla account and need more people to do my one little quiz. Well, at least I'm happy with it.
My results: You belong in Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, the live action version starring a young Fiona Fullerton. Perhaps the closest version to the book I've ever seen, you probably pay a lot of attention to detail. You're very lucky - you get Michael Crawford!
My response: Some of those questions may have scarred me for life, but that only makes me look cooler.
The Convo:
ShadowSpy 331: yay? I get Michael Crawford? Who's that?
vampyrhime: the original Phantom
vampyrhime: his voice is sexy
ShadowSpy 331: I get his voice?
vampyrhime: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was his first movie
vampyrhime: he was the white rabbit
vampyrhime: got two songs, he did
ShadowSpy 331: I'd rather have his voice, than him.
vampyrhime: same diff
vampyrhime: me too, actually
vampyrhime: cos he's like 50
ShadowSpy 331: Is he rich?
vampyrhime: yes
ShadowSpy 331: Never mind, I'd rather have him.
vampyrhime: oh, wow
ShadowSpy 331: Note that after I steal his voice and money, I will dispose of him
ShadowSpy 331: you can have him then
vampyrhime: fine
vampyrhime: i'm sorry i scarred you
ShadowSpy 331: Nah, now I can show off the scars to the guys in the locker room
ShadowSpy 331: wait....I don't go to the locker room anymore
vampyrhime: say you got them hunting wolverines in alaska
ShadowSpy 331: I didn't know wolverines could give you emotional scars.
vampyrhime: they're emo wolverines
vampyrhime: cos they're from alaska
ShadowSpy 331: what's wrong with Alaska?
vampyrhime: its emo
ShadowSpy 331: Other than the "night for six months thing"
vampyrhime: that too
ShadowSpy 331: but look on the really bright side, it's day for six months too
vampyrhime: ew
ShadowSpy 331: I'm sure vampires could work out some kind of alternation between the north and south poles twice a year
ShadowSpy 331: then they'd never have to come in contact with sunlight
vampyrhime: yes, but alaska and antarctica are both too cold
ShadowSpy 331: Vampires don't need body heat
vampyrhime: this one does
ShadowSpy 331: well, bring along a gas stove and a fresh supply of blood and heat it up when you need to
vampyrhime: besides
vampyrhime: blood is a liquid
vampyrhime: it freezes
ShadowSpy 331: or bring Michael Crawford as a portable heat source
vampyrhime: haha
vampyrhime: that too
ShadowSpy 331: you can't make me go though
ShadowSpy 331: it's too cold
ShadowSpy 331: and I'd go emo
ShadowSpy 331: Can vampires go emo?
vampyrhime: i suppose
vampyrhime: but there wouldn't be much of a point
ShadowSpy 331: yeah
ShadowSpy 331: why obsess about death when you've already gone through it?
vampyrhime: exzachary
ShadowSpy 331: so you're a princess....over what?
ShadowSpy 331: you might need to bring a couple vampire escorts to the new vampire kingdom
vampyrhime: yes
vampyrhime: i need to pick worthy ones, though
ShadowSpy 331: if you immortalize Crawford, he can sing forever, I guess
ShadowSpy 331: just don't pierce his voice box when biting his neck
ShadowSpy 331: People always forget that you can pierce the voice box
vampyrhime: never
ShadowSpy 331: I've met many a dumb vampire
vampyrhime: just his arteries
vampyrhime: i'm a princess
vampyrhime: i have to take tiny princess bites
ShadowSpy 331: Really? I thought vampire princesses were lusty and ravenous for blood
vampyrhime: only the american ones
ShadowSpy 331: there are American princesses? I thought we were a democracy.
vampyrhime: vampire? democracy?
vampyrhime: never!
ShadowSpy 331: ah, right
ShadowSpy 331: the secret societies
vampyrhime: yup
ShadowSpy 331: isn't it hard to drink blood that slowly?
vampyrhime: it's not slow
vampyrhime: just tiny
ShadowSpy 331: and what happens if the victim has AIDS?
ShadowSpy 331: can you get Vampire AIDS?
ShadowSpy 331: VAIDS?
vampyrhime: no, since we're dead, we're immune to most STD's
vampyrhime: except Gonnorhea
ShadowSpy 331: do drugs still have an effect on you?
vampyrhime: yes
ShadowSpy 331: including the whole withdrawal/dependence thing?
vampyrhime: i've seen it happen
vampyrhime: of course, the drugs never kill
ShadowSpy 331: what about a stake-in-the-heart-like coma?
vampyrhime: never heard of it
vampyrhime: you know only ash-wood stakes work
ShadowSpy 331: well, there's different species of vampire
ShadowSpy 331: different circles can be killed in different ways
vampyrhime: i'm upyr
vampyrhime: Polish Vampire
ShadowSpy 331: some turn into dust at the mere mention of a sharp pointy object
vampyrhime: wusses
ShadowSpy 331: others only go to sleep when a stake is inserted, then you need to chop their head off and stuff their mouth with garlic
vampyrhime: garlic is good
vampyrhime: not harmful at all
vampyrhime: we just pretend it is
vampyrhime: so we can get more
ShadowSpy 331: that's just you polished vampires
vampyrhime: maybe
ShadowSpy 331: 331: Lysinda Circle vampires
vampyrhime: haha
ShadowSpy 331: quite tolerant to all sorts of punishment
ShadowSpy 331: still, they fall apart pretty easily
ShadowSpy 331: I love this comic
ShadowSpy 331: you can read the entire Vampire arc if you want
vampyrhime: if you look behind the couch, you'll find my hand and see I'm flipping you off
ShadowSpy 331: what couch?
vampyrhime: that's what it says
ShadowSpy 331: ah, I thought somebody actually ripped your hand off
ShadowSpy 331: Can that be reattached?
ShadowSpy 331: I guess you could sew it back on
vampyrhime: yeah...
ShadowSpy 331: then you'd be a Frankenstein vampire
vampyrhime: got some thread?
ShadowSpy 331: yeah, no needle though
vampyrhime: i have fangs...
vampyrhime: i could just pull one out
vampyrhime: it'll grow back
vampyrhime: it'll hurt like hell, though
ShadowSpy 331: not like you'd die or anything
ShadowSpy 331: hahaha
ShadowSpy 331: now, if I can invent a true night-light
ShadowSpy 331: one that blasts rays of night
ShadowSpy 331: vampires would be able to go anywhere
vampyrhime: yes
vampyrhime: Upyr can go anywhere
vampyrhime: sunlight doesn't affect them
ShadowSpy 331: wow, you guys are lucky ones
ShadowSpy 331: all the good stuff, none of the bad
vampyrhime: there's still bad
ShadowSpy 331: what about the never-ending thirst for blood?
vampyrhime: that's there
ShadowSpy 331: I heard that V8 has the same vitamins and materials found in blood
ShadowSpy 331: aside from the blood cells
ShadowSpy 331: I read this book where the vampire boy tried to resist his urges by drinking V8
ShadowSpy 331: he hated it
vampyrhime: haha
ShadowSpy 331: the book ended with the vampirism transferred to a cow
vampyrhime: i have to go
ShadowSpy 331: alright
ShadowSpy 331: check out Sluggy Freelance sometime
vampyrhime: gotta go find me some prey
vampyrhime signed off at 11:02:11 PM.