Race Fail and Book Win

Mar 11, 2009 09:49

So, if you haven't encountered RaceFail '09 yet, you should probably go check it out (ETA: here is a good and concise summary of events)-- not because it's particularly fun to watch various pro SFF authors make bigger and bigger racist and/or white-privileged assholes of themselves and the world a more exclusive and difficult place for persons of color, but because there's been a lot of thoughtful and thought-provoking posts about what it means to be a fan of color (not to mention those on racism, white privilege, and how not to behave on the internet), which I think everyone should read as part of our education in becoming decent human beings.

In more positive news, I was very pleased to find Naomi Novik weighing in on the right side of the debate, because it's always encouraging to find out that the author of awesome books is awesome too.

Anyways, this segues nicely into a rec for her books. Specifically, His Majesty's Dragon, which you can now read for FREE, because the only thing more awesome than a FREE BOOK is a FREE BOOK about the Napoleonic War with DRAGONS. It's like you have really awesome historical fiction and really awesome fantasy BUT TOGETHER IN ONE BOOK. THAT'S FREE. Plus the characters are amazing, the plots are exciting and fast-paced, and there are interesting AU historical tidbits that imply, for example, that all of Admiral Nelson is a zombie instead of just his arm. Also, literally every person I have made read these has loved them, all the way from my brother who seems to read only Star Wars EU books to my sister who talks about why books are awesome for a living.

In conclusion: AWESOME FREE BOOK.

psa, i am surrounded by incompetence, books, this sucks out loud

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