Mar 23, 2005 22:18
I am soooooooooooo excited because I go home tomorrow after school! I'm not really excited about the being at my house aspect, except for when it comes to sleeping and such. However, I need a break from being at Alma (not the roomies or other special people here) but what it entails. ESPECIALLY the kids. They are just so out of control. We got a new kid in class yesterday and I feel like maybe he has made things more difficult with the whole class in general. The kids have been crazy enough on their own, but when he sees that, he thinks it's okay and then acts goofy, further encouraging the rest of the class. Vicious cycle. I have to remind myself constantly that they just need a break and that it's not me that's awful. The fact that I have to yell a lot makes me sad, but it's the only way they can hear me sometimes. I've had lots of talks with them and they are then better, but then it just goes back to the same old crap. I subbed was nice to be paid for being stressed out for once. We also had mock interviews last night. I was interviewed by an awesome lady from an early childhood elementary school and other than the few answers she said I could add a few more things to, she said I did a really good job and that she can tell I really love working with children, and that's pretty much the most important aspect of a teacher. That was encouraging..
I am also excited to see Don. Things have been getting better and I just want to hang out with him..with no expectations or anything. Only four weeks until I'm home for good and we'll see where things head.
I kinda just realized that the summer will be pretty busy. I student teach at Creative Beginnings in Birmingham from May 16-the end of June, and then start my intro to Psych class directly afterwards. Speaking of that, I need to get the course description for the class and take it to the head of the Psych dept..who is that, by the way?? I should probably know, seeing as I'm a psych minor but whatever..
Time to finish packing and make my lunch so I can sleep in preparance for PJ Day..yay for wearing pjs to school;)