Sep 18, 2004 09:32
my interim report: C, D, D+ and B lmao (smack my head with a book) goddamn im fuckiin dumb! im fuckin slackiin soo damn muhc.. i seriouLy need to get my shit togetha cuz im really unhappy with my grades! ::sigh:: school is just depreSsin me.
itS fridAy niqHt: ii wanted to qo to our varsity football soo freakin bad nd i could hav gone t0oo since a lot of people from school weere goin except for mah two homegurls. GRR!! so i asked my homeboy jamie to go with me but he couLnt so instead he was gone come ova my house & chill instead. sure!!! he called at like 6 tellin me he cant fuckin come ova. WTF? s0oo i was stuck at home with no one to chill with nd had no fuckin ride to the football game. fucker!
today: ii just woke up nd now gettin ready to qo to my cousin`s weddin ceremony shit. ughh i feel so fat in this dress =/ im definetly goin on a diet startin from now! thank qod im waerin a black dress tonight to the restaurant cuz then i`ll look slimmer =) mwahaha!