Jan 29, 2011 00:16
So I've been feeling completely overwhelmed & fully underappreciated lately especially since I'm caught in the middle of a family fight & don't want to choose sides. This has been tearing me apart & leaving me a crying pathetic mess. So my loving bf of 11yrs had enough & confronted my family on their treatment of me. I was so surprised & thankful for it. I know my family loves me I really do know this but fuck lately they've made me feel like nothin more than a punchbag & a burden. It was nice to know how much they love me & that everything I say & do matter. I really just wanted & really really needed to hear it! I give everything I can to them & just wanted to feel the love back. I can't believe stood up to my family..... it really makes me feel loved.
Posted via LjBeetle