Timing...I gotta get better at it LOL!

Feb 03, 2003 08:25

Okay so last night I'm looking at my to do list and I realize that I have 3 Powergamer Strips to color one maybe 2 Crystal Avalon strips ink and color not to mention a few other comissions all due throught this week, I also realize that Payroll is this week at work and I am running a raffle over in the GG Forums and there is the possibility of a UCTF card this week.

Me get all that done? In a week? No way @_@ So after thinking long and hard I decided to retire from the UCTF, it's mega late, I've been coloring ALL day so I think, 'Eh I'll post my notice when I get to work in the morning.'

Guess what happened. >_< The card went up =P! *beats head against desk several times* Oh well, you know what they say, life's a B*tch and then it has puppies. *sighs* Oh well Brad is calling Mercy out..I may use that as her 'farewell speach' to, we'll see if I have the time to post something up today x_X.

Better sign off Time punches JUST hit my desk...laters!


comics, uctf, colored art, rpg

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