State of the SW2 Address

Apr 13, 2007 09:27

Yes, yes...been quiet too quiet.

So here's the short version. I need to switch jobs, my boss decided to sell the company and ergo my last day of work will officially be 5-31-07. The good is that I am quite hireable (so everybody keeps telling me) and I have interviewed with the new owners and they are interested in me and might have an opening available. So all is cool there. As such various projects have been put on hold till I know if I will be gainfully employeed or not.

Black Widow Costume- Still in progress I actually got some of the patterns adjusted and ready to make the muslin from, I've also made a list and design sketch for the jewelery made up. I just need to find room in the budget for the crystals I plan to use for it. Ouch gonna be pricey to say the least, and I dont' even know if I'll be able to make it to the Gene Con this year! Affording the trip isn't the problem, getting the time off will be. So I might have to opt for an absentee package, or pray I get a really nice new boss.

Twilight in Paris Rewrite- Still going, in fact it's one of my few projects making leaps of progress in the last few weeks. Since work has slowed down massively I have a computer, Word and a Flash drive with my draft here at work. So far Chapter 1 is 80% complete while Chapter 2 is 90% done. I just started the first pages of Chapter 3 but I'm trying to decide if I want to go ahead or go back and tackle now the adjustments that Chapter 1 is going to need. I'm tempted to plunge ahead since I have a feeling that I'm gonna need to do even more edits to that one as time goes on. Richard is getting so freaking overhauled. I'll post bits later just look for the twilight in paris tags.

CGI Colors- Darth Real Life has pretty much hit all my comic pals for various reasons so no new stuff on this front, which isn't a bad thing given my drama mess above.

Comic Convention- First weekend in May, Val and her sister are coming up for the weekend. Val wanted to see the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Union Station, however they are very limited in tickets and have timed tours. Given the last minute nature of the trip no way we can get up there to see the exhibit. Oh well, we can geek out instead...reminds me I need to order tickets to the con for myself, Hey Val! Don't forget to get them ahead of time they are cheaper!

Birthday- Same weekend as the Con...happy B-Day to me!

Family- All happy, healthy and employed (for now)! Lamenting at the garden work we have to do and cannot do thanks to this freak cold snap...snow this weekend? *cries*

Jewelry making- Yes new obcession, I'm making Jewelry. And I got a DevArt Account to show it off with. Yes I have gone over to the dark side, shoot me please...thanks FYI the link is And yes I am selling some of the pieces. Just ask, heck I have tons more I haven't had time to photograph and post yet drop me a line I might have something you like in my box here.

Laters all

black widow, twilight in paris, real life, costumes, family

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