YAUGH!!!!!! X_X!!!

Sep 09, 2006 12:56

Okay talk about your situations where you feel the need to run screaming out of the room for a good hour.

First the background, years ago when I was in collage I worked for an inventory service in collage.  After I graduated I stayed with the company untill I got my first "Real" job.  In fact it was thanks to the Owners Wife who used to work for the company I was applying to that I got that job.  Fast Forward a few years and I have worked for them on occasion when I needed some extra cash.

Now for the owner, the owner is about my dad's age married has kids.  No problem.  He has always been a tad flirty with the girls on the inventory crew, made me feel odd but hey some guys are just like that so I brushed it off.  Fast Forward again to today when I get a call from said owner who misdialed the number.  Turns out he was glad he misdialed and had been meaning to talk to me.

Okay, cool he might want me to work a few weekends no problem as I am now mentally ticking off my schedule in my head he states that he doesn't want to talk to me about work, he wants to ask me out since he is now divorced and he's always had a bit of a crush on me.

CUE THE CREEPY FEELING, let us remember that I have known this guy as a boss for about 10 years now, I started with is company when I was barely in my 20's at that point he was well into his 50's I think more than old enough to be my father.  I barely known him I saw him for MAYBE a few hours a month when I was working for the company and now he's asking me out...and is heavily hinting that he does want a relationship with me?  I'm not talking about "Lets have a cup of coffee and see where it goes"  deal, but a "I've always had feelings for you and now I want to act on them"...and add to that he was "Feeling excited at hearing my voice."

I listened to the alarm bells and politely told him 'Thanks but no thanks' and ended the convo.

Why to I always attract the ones that set off the Creepy meter?


real life, wtf

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