Makin plans...

Nov 03, 2005 15:36

Oookay I just realized that I'm gonna have over 80 hours of time off next year. That means I gotta actually plan a REAL vacation for myself for once x_x. So I decided to try and plan a trip to the San Diego Comic Con, it's this July 20-26 2006.

So I have the time, but now I gotta get my butt TO San Diego, so far flights don't look half bad price wise 300-400 bucks depending on which airline I use, and to make sure I have the cash to pay for this I'm gonna start socking away cash in a secondary account, I cannot get a plain old savings account without a gawd awful minimum balance so I gotta get a checking account, this could be a good thing since I can use the check card that comes with it when I am in San Diego and not touch my Primary Account and no fear of pulling too much outta my pot that pays the bills.

No fraggin CLUE on hotel costs yet. The Con web site says they are gonna get some deals for us geeks but they won't be posted till January, either way it's 5 nights, that's gonna sting like heck *winces*

Okay time to get outta here. Laters!

mind rambles

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