Continued from BRPS...

Jun 21, 2005 08:09

...continued from bad_rpers_suck

Okay we need SR players! Darth real life has hit our group and we are short a few warm bodies! Here’s the details lemme know if your interested in joining up-

Game- ShadowRun 3rd Ed (we will move to 4th Ed when it’s released later this year)
Format- mIRC Chat
Sessions- Once a Week
Time/Dates- Sunday, starting 2-3pm CST (USA) till whenever, sessions usually last 4-5 hours
Other Info- VERY liberal with the rules set here, more emphasis on RPing than combat, rather character driven at points, most of the current players have little table top experience and have done mostly LJ or Message Board RPs before hopping here. Also we will be running System Failure/Critical Error when it comes out

The Cast-
Combat Decker- Female Human Asian (GM PC)
Street Samurai- Male Troll (GM PC)
Vech Rigger- Male Elf (Was GM PC…now just PC)
Face/Phys Ad- Female Elf
Hermetic Mage- Female Vampire Human

Main NPCs
Hermetic Mage- Male Human (Combat Decker SO)
Ally Spirit- Human Male (Female Mage’s Ally)
Phys Ad- Human Female Asian (Vech Rigger’s Roommate)

Main local- Seattle (DUH!) but we do travel around a lot, the team is currently in Boston for a Run, something about a Toxic Insect Spirit Hive *innocent whistles* , so depending on how fast we get things moving we could insert new players there.

So we’ll take about anything but as you can see we are pretty well covered in the Magic slinging dept and that is the ONLY archtype we’ll frown on. Unless you have one HELL of a character that just tickles my funny bone. I’d really like to see another Combat oriented PC or a Cover Ops Specialist but hey lemme know and we’ll find a spot for just about anybody.

Current Status; We are in the middle of a run now so any char intros will have to happen after that, but you are welcome to sit in with us for a session or two to see how we play and if you can fit in with our crazy crew before jumping into it. Just post a reply and lemme know!

Thanks peeps!

shadowrun, rpg

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