I HATE cold weather...~_~

Jan 22, 2003 15:05

The only way I enjoy cold weather is inside my house, tucked up in a chair with a blanket, a purring cat in my lap and a cup of hot tea or chocolate. Well the best I can do at work is the cup of hot beverage. =P

I think my Dad gave me his cold, my throat is dry and I'm coughing all over the place, but it's more annoying than anything else. Not bad enough to make me stay home from work, but enough to make life not fun to say the least. Darth Real Life hath hit my artist pal Xaotl again, so no new Powergamers today, however I DID get the third Crystal Avalon strip completed, the last ID card for the GG Forums completed. So all I have left is ONE char pic for the UCTF and the Adventure card. Hope Xaotl is online tonight so I can pick her brain on whose what color so I can send that off as well.

Then it's catch up time on my Fan Fiction after being stagnant for at LEAST a year if not longer I think I'm finally getting somewhere on my latest Star Foxt story. This started to be a trilogy now it's become a full fledged series of stories centered around my team of furry mercs. This story titled 'Black Dolphins: Knights Fall' is trick since I have at least *counts* 2-3 major subplots, 3-4 minor ones all centered around the chief plot of yet another war rampaging though Lylat. Add to that all those lovely souls that gave permission for cameo appearances and well you've got one MASSIVE tale in the works. @_@ I'm nuts aren't I? Thinking about it I relize that I might ACTUALLY have to make an outline or chart of some kind to keep TRACK of everything lets make a list here, but no real order, just written down as I think of them...WARNING MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD!!

1) Shade has the soul of a NASTY Rogue in his skull called Shadow, that will be taken care of and loose ends tied off.
2) The Knights currently are a disjointed group, they will be a united force by the end of this story
3) Boomer Gray WILL have her name cleared with the CMF...how I'm gonna fit this in...who the hell knows x_X
4) There will be family reunions! Grays, Monroes, and maybe McClouds too ~_^
5) Every single Knight Chartacter I have EVER created and even a few created by others will make an appearance.
6) The 'Child of Destiny' prophecy that Shade's Creator cooked up in his story 'Descent into the Soul' will be understood.
7) More information on the 'other' factions of Knights will be shown
8) More on Mariko's Gauntlet and why it is so importiant will be shown
9) One BIG ASS Three way battle is planned, what I mean my three way is a battle on three fronts, Space, and two different ground fronts @_@ This is gonna be a PAIN to write.
10) DEFINATE Cameo Appearances include: The Black Avengers (Including Kalihn, Tyrone Paw, Vrika O'Donnell, Shriana Windbringer, ect) John Robertson, Trevor Lee, Shadow Hawke maybe more as the story is written and I find spots for them
11) The whole Gray Family mess (Boomer, Bill and their father William) will be put to rest and tied off.
12) Weddings? Possible...but at this point not likely, let alone whose gonna get married to whom.
13) Deaths? Yup! As in Major Charaters? Several good guys AND Baddies are planned, again whose gonna die is still up for grabs, though I can safely say Vixen is NOT on the death list though she originally was going to die in either Black Dolphins: Descent or this story. New plot bunny hath spared her life. Heh!
14) Romance for Mariko! But with whom? Fox or somebody else? Not saying though I know who it is already (evil laughter here).
15) This WILL be the final story with the Black Dolphins as a team! The final chapter WILL include the disbanding of the team for keeps and the members go their separate ways.

Whew...x_X Enough for now...more as I remember them LOL.


friends, real life, starfox, uctf, colored art, writing, comics, fan fiction, family

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