Dec 31, 2002 10:55

Feel Free to flee for your lives now *smirk*

Yow, last time I updated this thing was WAY back in May. It's not that I don't have anything to write about, it's more like 1) I half forgot about this thing and 2) Free Time? What's that again LOL!

So anyway the last time we checked in I was adjusting to my new place of employment, well we moved to a new location that is a bit closer than the old and easier on the gas milage. Whew! I have now started to CGI color full time for a online comic called Powergamers working with a GREAT artist Xaotl, she has also taken on a new project called 'Crystal Avalon' and asked me to assist her in the coloring chores there as well. Whoot! No problem here.

On a sadder note several months ago my FAVORITE comic book company went out of business. Chaos! Comics closed it's doors in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in August 2002. Needless to say that has greatly affected my Chaz site and my UCTF work. So far no clue when or if Chastity and Bad Kitty will ever be published again, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. On the plus side some fellow fans that do have publishing experance have put in serious bid to buy the characters. They also want to cull writers and artists from the fan base if needed. I'm hoping this happens, if so I'll hand in color work and scripts and hope for the best *crosses fingers*

As to now I'm sitting at work trying to kill time till I leave at noon *checks the clock with and hour or so left to go @___@* Then I drive to Wichita KS to spend New Years with my pals there, and I was lucky enough to snag my brother's laptop for the trip so I can work on the next Powergamers Strip and the first Crystal Avalon strip, both due tomorrow. I'm just a glutton for punishment aren't I?

I swear I'm going to be spoiled ROTTEN with this laptop, it makes my PC monster look like a snail. Well it was built to handle a 3-D Rendering program called 3D Studio Max so my little Paint Shop Pro with all the added goodies are NOTHING to it. Meeps. And yeah he'll want it back. If anything happens to it, I'm not going home, I'm leaving the country cuz he'll kill me on sight. LOL

Oh back to the UCTF, Bad Kitty lost her NRA Title, and as soon as I can figure out a good way to do it, I'm going to retire her. Mercy still has her belt and Chastity is gunning for another. Here's hoping at least, things are cooking up there with several people gunning for Chastity's little brother, pity my RP time is not as much as it used to, but I'll make due ^_^ Anyways I'll have to check with Sasa's RPer to see what he has planned for Ethan next and how Chaz can interfere with the plans, I hope he will let me at least.

Well that should be all for now, I'll see ya again in 2003!


chastity, comics, travel, uctf, colored art, rpg

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