Aug 30, 2004 13:55

Anybody recall the lovely soul known as Marissa Marchant? Short version she is the 'artiste' who sells her crappy music for 5000.00 to 10,000.00 bucks a pop and has shall we say a very narrow view on popular music.

Welp last time we mocked her socks off was back in December 2003, today I was flushing out my junk folder and found this little gem here's whole thing verbatium:

freakvox (freakvox) replied to your LiveJournal comment in which
you said:

> freakvox@yahoo.com is the addy of the webmaster 'Eres' chances
are that's
> his physical addy too.

> Shucks, I've googled all over and a found a few boards where
people have
> discussed the idea this is a joke but no proof...hummm, time
for more
> searching I think

> SW

Their reply was:

can you admit that you are homosexual.? you dont' like women
You dont' show interest in any women sexually on the net, and
friends want to hang out with you. they must know that you are
very gay
and very disinterested in sex with women. you act and speaks
like a gay
man. you show absolutely no interest in women sexually@! you
don't have
any interest in women sexually do you? I have that feeling
now, that you
are very gay and very homosexual. you don't act like a normal
man. you cut me off immediately and I could sense that you
could care
less because I am woman and not just beautiful ...but you
don't give a
shit about women sexually, emotionally or otherwise, just for
Bela is dating a girl in a grass band. And his fiance cindy
was standing
there when bela stared at me for an hour at an light outdoor
concert. He
is divorcing Cindy. ..and now has a girlfriend...Hey, do you
romantic poetry? I have written some songs like Emu and others
that are
extremely romantic, but I am not feeling romantic these days.
Men always
kill the possiblity of romance.
I am not going to act like
something I
am not, and if a man doesn't like tall, assertive and strong
women who
are not plain...then it is their problem.

You criticice but you dont have the strength to say it to
someones face:

508 485 7161 774 249 2978

Dont give this out MM


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Oh and for the record...I'm female.

(Crossposted to my personal LJ and mock_the_stupid)


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