*whew* @_@

Jul 18, 2004 00:01

Well after over a year I FINALLY got off my ass and updated my Site the Aerie, I also made a change in how I plan to use it in the future. When I first opened it way back in 1997-98 I planned it to be only a spot to stick my ShadowWing stories. As the years went on I started hosting other peeps stories then added some artwork.

More time went on and I found the wonder of colored art, got my paws on less Fan Fiction that I wanted to Archive and also wrote less. Time for a change as of today unless the story was written by me, or involves one of my chars, it got pulled the only exception was the single story by Dannell Lites that I hosted since the Author has passed away I have no clue if it is archived elsewhere so up it stayed.

I also cleaned out my images folders, found some fun things there pulled most, and some siggy pics I hosted bit the dust...so if you are missing any from your sigs now let me know so I can e-mail the picy or re-host the image.

Anyway from this point on I'm gonna use the Aerie to mainly show off my Colored Art and write a bit on the side. So out with the old and in with the new @_@

Laters all!

the aerie, real life, fan fiction, comics, webwork, colored art

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