And now...for something fun...

Apr 28, 2004 13:49

Anything in Italics is my color comments

Everthing I needed to know...I learned from ShadowRun...courtacy of Dumpshock

1. Never let the decker near the C12 (last time that happened, an entire office building came crashing down)

Awww! Come on guys Belle won't do any damage...Boomer on the other hand...

2. Get a fake ID. Nothing sucks worse than being considered SINless when Lone Star starts asking questions...because the "questions" start being asked by a nightstick very fast if they don't like the answers.

Unless your Durriell in which case you'll giggle and/or take the nightstick from said cop and show him the 'proper' way to use it

3. Never try to kill the old man. No matter where the old man is, what he's doing, or anything else, he's a Grade 10 initiate Shaman waiting to fry you.

Even the ones that speek with BAD chinese accents and run Antique Shops down the street...ESPECIALLY those!

4. Never be mean to the little kid. No matter where he is or what he's doing, he's an Otaku.

Ooooor the Kid that might still be harassing Will for his 3 bucks o_O...

5. NEVER take the "depends" flaw. They'll ALWAYS get kidnapped.

But...what else are they good for? *evil grin*

6. Never bother with more than one safehouse per character. If they find you at the first safehouse, they're GOING to find you at the second, third, and forth too.

Note; Next time PAY your Decker better so they better hide your trail NEXT time ^_^

7. Never insult the troll's music. Puny hoo-man go squish.

This also goes for Tiffany if she happens to have the chainsaw with her...and especially Durriel too x_x

8. Never make a character based on/named after an anime character. GMs love to kill them.


9. No, I don't care how many flaws you take to offset it or how much money you spend, you can NOT have Lofwyr as a Level 3 contact. Same goes for Fastjack, Argent, and Harlequin.

...Why would you WANT them x_X...

10. The guy who buys snacks for the GM never dies.


11. The guy who eats the GM's snacks ALWAYS dies.

*big evil grins*

12. Get dice with dots, not numerals. Much easier to count out your successes when rolling your Computer 9 + Hacking Pool 9 + Karma Pool 5 dice.

If you need a calulator to figure your's time to re think a few things...

13. Always geek the mage first.

And we wonder why Syke KEEPS that low paranoid profile...


In case you missed it the first time.

15. That goes for Shamen, Voodooean Priests, Tir nA nOg Path Followers, Psychics, Televangelists, or anyone else who closes their eyes and talks funny in the middle of a fight.

Yes Pandora...this means you.

16. Always kill the guy who shouts "Kamehameha!" before he does a Powerball...even if he's a teammate. Or just smack him.

Tis why chat rooms come equipted with trout and clue by fours.

17. I don't care how high of a roll you make on your Edged Weapons attack check, you do NOT get the guy's soul...even if you are wearing a black trench coat and using a katana.

AWWWWW MAN!!! *goes to put the Vixen Char sheet away*

18. USE GLOVES!!!!!!!!

Make sure you can acutally work in them too. *imagines thick wool gloves on a run x_x*

19. Better yet, DON'T TOUCH SHIT!!!!


20. The next GM that has a Lone Star officer mutter "Three days to retirement..." before he dies gets beated to death with a 10 lb bag of D6es

Yes Ethan...this means you ^_^

21. Never plan out a run like a D&D dungeon crawl because the players will ALWAYS do something to make you have wasted your time.

*hangs head in shame and passes the Malox to her GM*

22. Never let your GM say "Just don't roll a 1..." because invariably, you will.


23. Enhanced Artwinkulation is called that for a very good reason.

Ethan? Need more Malox yet?

24. Never spend all your money on just one toy. If you do, do NOT brag about how great it is. No matter what it is, it WILL be stolen from you.

*hugs her Farlight Excaliber TIGHTLY* My Precious @_@...

25. Never get into a drinking contest with Perianwyr. You'll end up insulting his mother on Shot 28 and end up dinner. And you'll lose.

This actually happened? o_O


shadowrun, mind rambles, rpg

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