
Nov 28, 2003 17:06

Another thanksgiving come and gone...@_@ It went well, we didn't fry a turkey this year like we did the past two years mostly because the price of the 5-7 gallons of peanut oil cast more than the turkey LOL. So we baked it, today my brother is at work in a toy store poor guy went in at 4am this morning...he was suppost to have a 5 hour break at 11am-4pm however we haven't gotten a call to pick him up (no way he's giving up a mall parking place on Black Friday) so either he switched shifts or he had to work straight though. Owies.

Today I braved the crowds and did a bit of X-mas shopping, let's see I had gifts for my brother, mom, dad, grandma before today, so my list to go is mostly small personal gifts for friends. Note to Wolfie...you BETTER like yours I had to plow though 3 stores to get it *grins*.

Yesterday I ACUTALLY updated my color gallery with all my new pieces. Whew added yet another page. Clicky on the link to the right that say's SW2's Color Gallery and head to Pages 3-4-5 to see all the updated a new stuff.

I've also been working to repair one of my dolls, ugh, I found out though a list serve that the new outfit that we all got has staining problems. MAJOR staining problems, the outfit comes with black gloves, they were made with new fabric that looked better than the stuff they used in previous outfits. However the dye reacted BADLY with the vinyl of the doll and transfered to it. So it looks like somebody hit my doll's hands with a sledge hammer, all black and purple ech! Thankfully there is a cure, OXY10 if you can believe it, applyed to the stains and then leaving the doll in a sunny window for a day, clean off the cream and repeat as neccessary.

Well they are getting better, slowly. However I need to burn the gloves x_X Argh!

Well tonight I hopefully have a ShadowRun Session, those are such a blast, no LEST2 tomorrow since JW is GMing a Beta Session for a new RP he's testing out. Tonight and tomorrow will be dedicated to more web work, coloring, and RPGing, and maybe a gift wrapping or three. Oh I still have to look into framing that gift for my dad. Okay laters all and hope you didn;t stuff yourself too badly ^_^


real life, starfox, mind rambles, colored art, rpg, the aerie, comics, shadowrun, webwork, family

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