
Aug 29, 2003 12:30

Well the computer came ^_^ It's GOOOOD @_@...I have 95% of my files transfered to the new machine and the rest will come over in the next few days. I'm finding out that there IS a problem with AIM and PSP8 that's NOT related to memory, evidently the two programs just DON'T Like each other at all o_O. It's wierd I know I'll be sending another note to Jasc as soon as I get a better anchor on the problem. At least with XP I don't crash anymore, that's a plus at least. I still have to get my scanner drivers installed and a few other things but most of those are burned on CD's.

Last night was devoted to downloading the XP security patch and registering my virus software...JUST in case. I also found out that the Shockwave player was screwy so I uninstalled and reinstalled that. Must...Have...Flash...Games @_@!!

On a bad note Val's father died last night, in a few days I might be heading down to her place for the funeral, depends on when they have the service. Hopefully not on a day when I have to work on payroll and can get off, since he's not immediate family I'm not gonna get a break on time off. It's a pain, but that's the way wer have to work or else we'd have people dying left and right so they can get time off. Yes it has happened I've seen it.

So keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers, she'll need it, she was a wreck when she called me last night. Damn it and I'm stuck up here in KC not able to do anything. All I can do it wait and distract myself with stuff to keep from dwelling on it.

Okay I better get some more stuff done here at work, laters all!


real life, webwork, mind rambles

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