
Aug 24, 2003 14:52

Computer getting even more twitchy...it knows that I am getting a new one. Okay let's see what I have left to do

1) Finish the Usagi Site Layouts, only two to go there and one is 50 percent complete
2) Finish coloring those Crystal Avalon Strips *winces*
3) Update the Aerie with a few new stories, a massive color gallery update
4) Update the Black Avengers Site with the logs and such
5) Clean my place, I mean pull the furnature away from the walls and evict dust bunnies clean
6) Put away my comics, specifially the 20-30 issues and 3-4 hardcover books of Usagi Yojimbo strewn about while I was looking for pics and color references
7) Start Backing up my computer files and taking inventory of my programs for the new PC
8) Start work on a Poison Ivy Costume for this years Night of the Living Zoo (We are doing comic heros and villians)
9) Check over Ren Faire costumes and see if any repairs and alterations need to be made before the mayhem known as Faire Season starts
10) Actually find a way to organize costume closet that doesn't break the laws of physics ~_~

I'm getting there @_@...


real life, comics, webwork, costumes, colored art

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