And in the news...

Aug 07, 2003 08:05

SW is ready to rip her everlovin hair out at her Cable company.


Yes as if this isn't fun enough, got two RPG's that are hopping and moving at a regular pace, working on this site design, swapping at least 5-10 e-mails a DAY between the three of us working on the site, I'm only doing the graphics, another is doing the actual coding and the last is the guy who actually owns the site. But now when I NEED hi-speed access to send large attachments to the guy coding the site my cable net goes out. My only access is at work now ARGH, stupid tech won't be out till FRIDAY to have a look. I think there IS a cable pirate in the area, we just haven't FOUND the SOB yet.

Okay if you want to hijack cable from your neighbors, be sure to do it RIGHT so you DON'T piss off said neighbors when they loose half their cable channels at the drop of a hat and the cable internet access. Cuz then they call in the techs who will eventually find your illegal connection and take GREAT PLEASURE in cutting your line and possibly turning you in to the cops. Yep in this area getting caught stealing cable is a felony. Wierd I know, but I'm in backwater Kansas what'd ya expect?

So back to short times on Dial Up so I can actually check my mail =P Thank gods my boss is gone this week so I can actually do SOME posting here. Icks...

In other news I am working on a tutorial on how I color black and white artwork, it's almost done the text is written and I have gotten 90% of the screen captures, might need a few more thou. Will proof it tonight then start pasting the thing together. I'll post a link here so all you guys can see it too. Heck that dang link is gonna be copied all OVER the place by the time I'm through X_X.

Oh well hopefully I'll have time this afternoon to add more, damn bank statements just got in yesterday @_@ One is 121 pages long and I gotta reconcile it *whimpers* Wish me luck peeps ~_~...


real life, writing, webwork, rants, rant and rave, rpg

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