Aug 07, 2001 22:32

...Feel free to flee in terror now *grins*

I lived through the incredablely hot temps of this past weekend, gods it was well into the 90's with Heat Indexes into the 100's. Ick..

The Zoo was great, kinda odd to be there w/o tons od small children running about on sugar highs or tons of booths set about the place. But kinda cool as well, it was like having the whole joint to ourselves. Pretty cool.

I also stopped by a comic shop and picked up a TON of stuff I had missed, mostly the odd indepentant titles that I read, but my reg shop cannot get on a regular basis, as well as an Usagi Yojimbo Hardcover that I missed :P I thought it would be a good idea to use some of my tax refund and put it into the economy *grins*

Sat night I went to see Moulin Rouge, great flick. Yeah it is a doomed love story, but oh man some of those scenes were priceless. Yeah it's a musical but the songs are rather unexpected. Me thinks that Madonna is still recovering from the fits of laughter caused by the 'Like a Virgin' sequence. Here's a hint it ain't Nicole Kidman's charater that sings it >.< (It ain't even a girl that sings it... *eep*) The soundtrack rocks, and they are planning to release another one with the songs left out of the first... YAY!

Other than that I mostly sat around and did nothing...funny how GOOD that can be, especially after the mayhem that is following me around at work. There is a light at the end of that chaotic tunnel, though I haven't figured out if it's an oncomming train or not...

Eep! Well I better go, I try and post tomorrow and see if I can get my site updated...finally :P


friends, real life, comics, movies, travel

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