
Jul 30, 2001 20:30

Oh if I ever see a sheet of neon orange paper again it'll be too soon! It was end of the month statements today at work, where everybody (and I mean EVERYBODY) is encouraged (sometimes threatened) to grab a stack of bright orange statements and proceed to fold and stuff said papers into envelopes.

WE also have 11 offices, at about a 75-100 statements each, you get the idea that that is a HUGE amount of orange paper to stare at for 8 hours. Hence why everybody is encouraged to help *grins*

Oh wait it's just a month we swap to neon green! ACK!

So what else is going on in my life? Not much actually, I'm counting down the days to this weekend, ROAD TRIP! Do not worry LEST2 I should be able to hijack my pals ICQ and mIRC to join the party with *grins*

I volunteer at the Sedgewing County Zoo and they are haveing a breakfast with the Keepers party, where you basically get fed and free rein of the whole park for a few hours. Kinda nice actually I need the breather from work actually.

I'll keep this one short and save LiveJournal the space for now *grins*.


friends, real life, rants, travel, rant and rave

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