Not Much....

Apr 25, 2005 15:13

I don't think I have a lot to say today, but you know how that goes.

I hate job searching. It sucks great big monkey balls. When you don't get the job they tell you to wait a week and they'll get back to you and what happens...they never do. Employers of time is precious, just tell me I didn't get it so I can move on to the next painful interview. You are not helping me out any by telling me to wait for a call back. That's completely stupid. Don't spare me my feelings cause chances are I didn't want to work for you in the first place. The only reason people need work is because over the years we have come to value a piece of paper with ink on it. People...its a piece of paper cut to look like a rectangle!!! Just because it has the number 100 on it still doesn't make it anything more than a piece of cut down tree. It carries disease for christ's sake. It sucks ass that we need to survive in life by having to use a piece of paper. And don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be an activist here, just asking you to rethink the value you place on a dollar (or a 100 for that matter).

Alright now that that rant is over I want to go play in the rain, with Jim. I can't wait to go camping in a few months. It's gonna be so much fun.
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