Random Entry Number Whut?

May 08, 2008 17:41

Since I haven't updated in a while.

I still need a job and the service that's supposed to assist me in getting one hasn't been getting me one, but given my track record and emotional instability, I'm afraid to just go it alone --- fear of discrimination and all that, it happens (and in cases like me, it tends to get covered up if discrimination is involved.  It's a factor I strongly suspect in my last job).

Been a bit bored, but I've been fishing a lot.  I've been doing some editing on "The Featherchaser" and I have query letters out for "Malarkey and Belinda" and "Dreamer's Rhlem." -- That's what i really need, is for one of these friggin' novels to get published so I can get my foot in the door and just be a fantasy/sci-fi writer, because it's something I really *like* to do, and though I fancy being a recluse, I also like the idea of having a fandom full of people whose heads I can screw with.

I need to get my sleep schedule back in order.  Staying up 'till 4 am screwing around on the Internet or doing writing/editing work, then sleeping until noon/1p.m. has just got to stop.

Despite the "meh" tone of this post, I'm actually quite a bit *less* depressed than I usually am.  I think it's because of the weather.  It's just been warm and beautiful out here, everything's green and there are flowers everywhere.  Strangely enough, eastern Pennsylvania pollen doesn't seem to affect me nearly as much as Arizona pollen (and dust, don't forget the DUST) did when I was a kid - I used to have terrible sniffly, sore throat allergy periods growing up, but I just haven't had that here - and here, I can see pollen and other springtime junk FLOATING ABOUT IN THE AIR LIKE SNOW.  Lack of Valley Fever? *Shrug.*   I dunno, I've just been strangely happy, or at least "at peace"  most of the time lately. I've really noticed it because last week it was really rainy and unseasonably cold and I shocked right from "happy/peace mode" to "antsy/depressed" mode -- It was like my brain was SCREAMING "No more winter!"

life, random, rambling

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