Shit. After Lex Fantasy 7, I didn't post any of Super Lex RPG. The highlight was how the game keeps track of super jumps but Lex cannot time hits to save his life so he ignored it. We get to Monstro Town, and dude says "Let's see. You've made... 1 consecutive jumps! How DO you do it?!" which has now became a meme in our group.
And thus began.. Lex Fantasy 6.
"There's 4 of us! Why can't we just hold him down and cut his throat?! Fantasy games are so unrealistic."
"OH SHIT! Rocks are on fire! That's fucked up."
"Banon? Isn't he the bad guy from Zelda?"
"No, that's Ganon."
"Banon? isn't he the professor from the Hulk?"
"No, that's Banner."
"We'll let him get through this cave and save, then go to the store."
"How long will that take?
"Five minutes."
"Hey, go through that door!"
"........ an hour."
"..wait, he's telling them where to attack from? HE'S A TRAITOR?! How do I kick him in the fuck?!"
"Use the antidote!"
"Myeeeh, look at me I'm Lindsey and I use antidotes! Well maybe I LIKE this horrible pixel effect that isn't at all eye searing!!"
"Phoenix down."
"I didnt realize someone was that close to down!"
"He tentacles like a brick. For like, 230 to her. Shit, he did it again."
"And this is the story of how I got ultros boogie stuck in my head."
"What do?"
"Doing Locke gets you my fav character.."
"Uh. What you named him *point*."
"Yeah. Doing Assbut gets you my fav."
"This better not be ANOTHER FUCKING YUFFIE INCIDENT, or I swear Lindsey, I will KICK YOU IN THE BOX."
"I think this was censored later due to woman beating."
"You women look at things the wrong way. He's not beating a WOMAN, hes beating a TRAITOR. If it was a man or dickgirl he'd do the same. If a dickgirl betrayed MY country I'd give her a beating. .. hey what should I name her? Dickgirl's too long."
>he enters TRAITR, deletes, replaces with SHEMAN
HOW DO YOU DO IT?! HOW DO YOU MAKE SUCH HUGE DECISIONS?! Bah. I'm gonna name her TRAITR so I always remember... why is WAIT A FEW MINUTES an option?"
"Cop a feel?!"
"I grab her boob. My charisma is now 0."
>laugh til can't breathe
"Awww, Binch isn't gonna be happy when I bring another woman home. DAMMIT! I SHOULDA NAMED HER BETCH! Binch and betch. It'd be great."