The twitters, they are here

Jul 14, 2010 00:01

  • 00:17 So I still think there is to be a video game based sports manga, or if there is; why haven't you told me? #
  • 00:25 @ ddh4mster that's no good, you should try setting up dropbox or something for backups for flash drive stuff #
  • 01:07 @ SirHellsing420 From what I gather Warehouse 13 is more of a parody of things like the X-files #
  • 01:08 @ SirHellsing420 I wouldn't know since I haven't watched X-files #
  • 01:15 @ SirHellsing420 Parody doesn't mean it can't be serious! Though maybe that wasn't the best word, but I'm still going to stick with it. #
  • 01:27 @ SirHellsing420 keyword usually, plus I sure take Shawn of the Dead seriously as everyone should :P #
  • 23:41 Shinji, get in the damn mech! ...I've said this before...ugh #
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